7 Enrichment Analysis

In this chapter we will assume that the data analyst has obtained a list of genes that are either differentially expressed or methylated that have been selected by any other reason (depending on the scientific question). We provide an overview of existing methods for enrichment analysis of a given gene list data with regard to functional gene sets and pathways. Functionality for differential expression analysis, set- and network-based enrichment analysis, along with visualization and exploration of results. Introduction to concepts for enrichment analysis of genomic regions and regulatory elements.

7.1 Introduction

Test whether known biological functions or processes are over-represented (= enriched) in an experimentally-derived gene list, e.g. a list of differentially expressed (DE) genes. See Goeman and Buehlmann, 2007 for a critical review.

A convenient way to find DE gene sets is by detecting the so-called functional enrichment in two steps. First, we search for DE genes. Second, we verify whether these DE genes belong to the gene set in a proportion that exceeds any expectation of finding that number of genes in that gene set by chance alone. A straightforward way to assess this hypothesis consists of applying a hypergeometric test, which in fact corresponds to the one-tailed Fisher’s exact test, following the so-called urn model.

A hypergeometric test assesses whether a number of successes in a sequence of draws follows a hypergeometric distribution. The hypergeometric distribution is a discrete probability distribution that describes the number of successes in a sequence of draws from a finite population without replacement, just as the binomialdistribution describes the number of successes for draws with replacement. In our context this involves the following quantities:

DE non-DE total
Insiside Gene Set k m-k m
Outside Gene Set n-k N+k-n-m N-m
total n N-m N


  • \(N\) is the total number of genes considered (gene universe).
  • \(n\) is the number of DE genes.
  • \(m\) is the number of genes in the gene set.
  • \(k\) is the number of DE genes in the gene set.

Given these quantities and a random variable \(X\) representing the possible outcomes of a hypergeometric process, the probability of getting exactly \(k\) genes inside a particular gene set is given by

\[\textrm{Pr}(X=k)=\frac{{m\choose k} {N-m\choose n-k}}{{N\choose n}}\] Therefore, the probability of getting \(k\) or more genes inside a particular gene set, as a hypergeometric random process, is

\[\textrm{Pr}(X >= k)=\sum_{x=k}^n \frac{{m\choose x} {N-m\choose n-x}}{{N\choose n}}\] This probability is the quantity being used as surrogate for the enrichment of the functional gene set with our list of DE genes, where the lower the value the less likely that we observe those \(k\) genes inside the given gene set by pure chance and thus the more enriched that this gene set is enriched with our DE genes.

Example: Transcriptomic study, in which 12,671 genes have been tested for differential expression between two sample conditions and 529 genes were found DE. Among the DE genes, 28 are annotated to a specific functional gene set (or pathway), which contains in total 170 genes. This setup corresponds to a 2x2 contingency table,

deTable <-  matrix(c(28, 142, 501, 12000),
            nrow = 2,
            dimnames = list(DE=c("yes","no"),
DE     in   out
  yes  28   501
  no  142 12000

where the overlap of 28 genes can be assessed based on the hypergeometric distribution. This corresponds to a one-sided version of Fisher’s exact test, yielding here a significant enrichment.

fisher.test(deTable, alternative = "greater")

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  deTable
p-value = 4.088e-10
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1
95 percent confidence interval:
 3.226736      Inf
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

This basic principle is at the foundation of major public and commercial enrichment tools such as DAVID and Pathway Studio.

Although gene set enrichment methods have been primarily developed and applied on transcriptomic data, they have recently been modified, extended and applied also in other fields of genomic and biomedical research. This includes novel approaches for functional enrichment analysis of proteomic and metabolomic data as well as genomic regions and disease phenotypes, Lavallee and Yates, 2016, Chagoyen et al., 2016, McLean et al., 2010, Ried et al., 2012.

Do exercise

7.2 Gene expression-based enrichment analysis

This methodology can be extended to the analysis of multiple gene sets available in different databases such as GO or KEGG among others. Next sections illustrate how to perform such analyses using different BioC packages.

7.2.1 A primer on terminology, existing methods & statistical theory

Gene sets, pathways & regulatory networks

Gene sets are simple lists of usually functionally related genes without further specification of relationships between genes.

Pathways can be interpreted as specific gene sets, typically representing a group of genes that work together in a biological process. Pathways are commonly divided in metabolic and signaling pathways. Metabolic pathways such as glycolysis represent biochemical substrate conversions by specific enzymes. Signaling pathways such as the MAPK signaling pathway describe signal transduction cascades from receptor proteins to transcription factors, resulting in activation or inhibition of specific target genes.

Gene regulatory networks describe the interplay and effects of regulatory factors (such as transcription factors and microRNAs) on the expression of their target genes.


GO, KEGG and MSigDB annotations are most frequently used for the enrichment analysis of functional gene sets. Despite an increasing number of gene set and pathway databases, they are typically the first choice due to their long-standing curation and availability for a wide range of species.

GO: The Gene Ontology (GO) consists of three major sub-ontologies that classify gene products according to molecular function (MF), biological process (BP) and cellular component (CC). Each ontology consists of GO terms that define MFs, BPs or CCs to which specific genes are annotated. The terms are organized in a directed acyclic graph, where edges between the terms represent relationships of different types. They relate the terms according to a parent-child scheme, i.e. parent terms denote more general entities, whereas child terms represent more specific entities.

KEGG: The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) is a collection of manually drawn pathway maps representing molecular interaction and reaction networks. These pathways cover a wide range of biochemical processes that can be divided in 7 broad categories: metabolism, genetic and environmental information processing, cellular processes, organismal systems, human diseases, and drug development. Metabolism and drug development pathways differ from pathways of the other 5 categories by illustrating reactions between chemical compounds. Pathways of the other 5 categories illustrate molecular interactions between genes and gene products.

MSigDB: Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) are divided into 8 major collections, and several sub-collections. These include:

  • H: hallmark gene sets: Hallmark gene sets summarize and represent specific well-defined biological states or processes and display coherent expression.

  • C1: positional gene sets: Gene sets corresponding to each human chromosome and each cytogenetic band that has at least one gene.

  • C2: curated gene sets: Gene sets curated from various sources such as online pathway databases, the biomedical literature, and knowledge of domain experts. It contains 5 sub-collections.

  • C3 motif gene sets: Gene sets representing potential targets of regulation by transcription factors or microRNAs. It has 2 sub-collections.

  • C4 computational gene sets: Computational gene sets defined by mining large collections of cancer-oriented microarray data. It has 4 sub-collections.

  • C5 GO gene sets: Gene sets that contain genes annotated by the same GO term. The C5 collection is divided into three sub-collections based on GO ontologies: BP, CC, and MF.

  • C6 oncogenic signatures: Gene sets that represent signatures of cellular pathways which are often dis-regulated in cancer.

  • C7 inmunologic signatures: Gene sets that represent cell states and perturbations within the immune system.

Statistical approaches

The two predominantly used enrichment methods are:

  • Overrepresentation analysis (ORA), testing whether a gene set contains disproportional many genes of significant expression change, based on the procedure outlined in the first section.
  • Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA), testing whether genes of a gene set accumulate at the top or bottom of the full gene vector ordered by direction and magnitude of expression change Subramanian et al., 2005. However, the term gene set enrichment analysis nowadays subsumes a general strategy implemented by a wide range of methods Huang et al., 2009. Those methods have in common the same goal, although approach and statistical model can vary substantially Goeman and Buehlmann, 2007, Khatri et al., 2012.

To better distinguish from the specific method, some authors use the term gene set analysis to denote the general strategy. However, there is also a specific method from Efron and Tibshirani, 2007 of this name.

Goeman and Buehlmann further raise several critical issues concerning the 2x2 ORA:

  • rather arbitrary classification of genes in DE / not DE
  • based on gene sampling, although sampling of subjects is appropriate
  • unrealistic independence assumption between genes, resulting in highly anti-conservative p-values

With regard to these statistical concerns, GSEA is considered superior:

  • takes all measured genes into account
  • subject sampling via permutation of class labels
  • the incorporated permutation procedure implicitly accounts for correlations between genes

However, the simplicity and general applicability of ORA is unmet by subsequent methods improving on these issues. For instance, GSEA requires the expression data as input, which is not available for gene lists derived from other experiment types. On the other hand, the involved sample permutation procedure has been proven inaccurate and time-consuming Efron and Tibshirani, 2007, Phipson and Smyth, 2010, Larson and Owen, 2015.

Khatri et al., 2012 have taken a slightly different approach by classifying methods along the timeline of development into three generations:

  1. Generation: ORA methods based on the 2x2 contingency table test,
  2. Generation: functional class scoring (FCS) methods such as GSEA, which compute gene set (= functional class) scores by summarizing per-gene DE statistics,
  3. Generation: topology-based methods, explicitly taking into account interactions between genes as defined in signaling pathways and gene regulatory networks (Geistlinger et al., 2011 for an example).

Although topology-based (also: network-based) methods appear to be most realistic, their straightforward application can be impaired by features that are not-detectable on the transcriptional level (such as protein-protein interactions) and insufficient network knowledge Geistlinger et al., 2013, Bayerlova et al., 2015.

Given the individual benefits and limitations of existing methods, cautious interpretation of results is required to derive valid conclusions. Whereas no single method is best suited for all application scenarios, applying multiple methods can be beneficial. This has been shown to filter out spurious hits of individual methods, thereby reducing the outcome to gene sets accumulating evidence from different methods Geistlinger et al., 2016, Alhamdoosh et al., 2017.

7.2.2 Basic analysis using GOstats

Let us illustrate how to perform ORA (enrichment analysis) using gene expression data. First, we need to perform DE analysis. Our interest is to compare gene expression between cell lines that have been treated with dexamethasone or not.

class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
dim: 64102 8 
metadata(1): ''
assays(1): counts
rownames(64102): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000005 ... LRG_98 LRG_99
rowData names(0):
colnames(8): SRR1039508 SRR1039509 ... SRR1039520 SRR1039521
colData names(9): SampleName cell ... Sample BioSample

  trt untrt 
    4     4 

Then, let us analyzed the RNA-seq count data using DESeq2 that uses generalized linear models (negative binomial) (voom, edgeR or any other method could be used instead). NOTES: 1) we avoid normalization step which is normally required (DESeq2 incorporates this step in its pipeline); 2) we also avoid to investigate whether unwanted variability should be removed; 3) Our aim is to get a list of DE genes that may have ‘some sense’

dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = assay(airway, "counts"), 
                              colData = colData(airway), 
                              design = as.formula( ~ dex))
dds <- dds[ rowSums(counts(dds)) > 5, ]
dds <- DESeq(dds)

res <- results(dds, contrast = c("dex", 'trt', 'untrt'))
res <- res[order(res$pvalue), ]
log2 fold change (MLE): dex trt vs untrt 
Wald test p-value: dex trt vs untrt 
DataFrame with 24345 rows and 6 columns
                 baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE       stat       pvalue         padj
                <numeric>      <numeric> <numeric>  <numeric>    <numeric>    <numeric>
ENSG00000152583   997.440        4.60253 0.2117509    21.7356 9.46071e-105 1.71787e-100
ENSG00000148175 11193.719        1.45147 0.0852982    17.0164  6.20890e-65  5.63706e-61
ENSG00000179094   776.597        3.18386 0.2015137    15.7997  3.12585e-56  1.89197e-52
ENSG00000134686  2737.982        1.38715 0.0920523    15.0691  2.58489e-51  1.17341e-47
ENSG00000125148  3656.253        2.20344 0.1475941    14.9290  2.13337e-50  7.74754e-47
...                   ...            ...       ...        ...          ...          ...
ENSG00000258486  330.4721     -0.1421492  0.943248 -0.1507019           NA           NA
ENSG00000260910   26.1850      1.6795123  0.821286  2.0449778           NA           NA
ENSG00000261239   10.2232     -0.2123196  2.486879 -0.0853759           NA           NA
ENSG00000262902  439.5753      0.2233259  1.970163  0.1133540           NA           NA
ENSG00000265735  143.3031     -0.0906931  1.001134 -0.0905904           NA           NA

We call DE genes with a minimum 1.2-fold change of expression at a maximum FDR of 1%:

mask <- res$padj < 0.01 & !is.na(res$padj) &
        abs(res$log2FoldChange) > log2(2)
deGenes <- rownames(res[mask, ])
[1] "ENSG00000152583" "ENSG00000148175" "ENSG00000179094" "ENSG00000134686" "ENSG00000125148" "ENSG00000120129"
[1] 676

The gene universe is obtained by (number of calculated tests):

geneUniverse <- rownames(res[!is.na(res$pvalue), ])
[1] 24294
[1] 24345

In order to asses functional enrichment, both DE gene list and gene universe must be annotated in Entrez IDs:

deGenes <- unlist(mget(deGenes, envir=org.Hs.egENSEMBL2EG,
                       ifnotfound = NA))

geneUniverse <- unlist(mget(geneUniverse, envir=org.Hs.egENSEMBL2EG,
                       ifnotfound = NA))

Now, the enrichment analysis for GO is performed by

params <- new("GOHyperGParams", geneIds=deGenes,
              annotation="org.Hs.eg.db", ontology="BP",
              pvalueCutoff=0.05, conditional=FALSE,

hgOver <- hyperGTest(params)
Gene to GO BP  test for over-representation 
6327 GO BP ids tested (1513 have p < 0.05)
Selected gene set size: 547 
    Gene universe size: 13655 
    Annotation package: org.Hs.eg 

The table can be generated by

      GOBPID       Pvalue OddsRatio  ExpCount Count Size                                                     Term
1 GO:0050896 4.004729e-13  1.901455 271.99780   354 6790                                     response to stimulus
2 GO:0009653 1.305943e-12  2.080880  87.36778   151 2181                       anatomical structure morphogenesis
3 GO:0051239 1.464489e-12  2.020228 100.50699   167 2509           regulation of multicellular organismal process
4 GO:0051094 1.936645e-12  2.459144  44.62527    94 1114             positive regulation of developmental process
5 GO:0048646 1.671464e-11  2.542808  35.85244    79  895 anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis
6 GO:0050793 2.019617e-11  2.017808  84.76397   144 2116                      regulation of developmental process

We can alos explore the results by generating an html report:

htmlReport(hgOver, file="goBPuncond.html")

The KEGG enrichment is performed by:

params.kegg <- new("KEGGHyperGParams", geneIds=deGenes,

hgOver.kegg <- hyperGTest(params.kegg)
  KEGGID       Pvalue OddsRatio  ExpCount Count Size                                   Term
1  04060 0.0009526255  2.519903 8.0269137    18  161 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction
2  04977 0.0014798039  7.473025 0.8974189     5   18       Vitamin digestion and absorption
3  00750 0.0021867795 19.300448 0.2991396     3    6                  Vitamin B6 metabolism
4  05414 0.0030336333  3.118754 3.6395323    10   73                 Dilated cardiomyopathy
5  04512 0.0044995301  2.929795 3.8389587    10   77               ECM-receptor interaction
6  04350 0.0049414310  2.886029 3.8888154    10   78             TGF-beta signaling pathway

7.2.3 Analysis using clusterProfiler

clusterProfiler performs statistical analysis and visualization of functional profiles for genes and gene clusters. It includes GO, KEEG and a general function to perform ORA for any database such as MSigDB or DisGeNET among others.

ans.go <- enrichGO(gene = deGenes, ont = "BP",
                   OrgDb ="org.Hs.eg.db",
                   pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
tab.go <- as.data.frame(ans.go)
tab.go<- subset(tab.go, Count>5)
tab.go[1:5, 1:6]
                   ID                          Description GeneRatio   BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust
GO:0007411 GO:0007411                        axon guidance    26/547 276/18670 1.776070e-07 0.0004337162
GO:0097485 GO:0097485           neuron projection guidance    26/547 277/18670 1.907283e-07 0.0004337162
GO:0030198 GO:0030198    extracellular matrix organization    30/547 368/18670 4.818478e-07 0.0005802757
GO:0043062 GO:0043062 extracellular structure organization    30/547 369/18670 5.103568e-07 0.0005802757
GO:0045444 GO:0045444             fat cell differentiation    22/547 223/18670 7.186823e-07 0.0006537134
ans.kegg <- enrichKEGG(gene = deGenes,
                       organism = 'hsa',
                       pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
tab.kegg <- as.data.frame(ans.kegg)
tab.kegg<- subset(tab.kegg, Count>5)
tab.kegg[1:5, 1:6]
               ID                                          Description GeneRatio  BgRatio       pvalue    p.adjust
hsa04923 hsa04923                Regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes    10/286  57/8087 2.587664e-05 0.007074392
hsa04213 hsa04213      Longevity regulating pathway - multiple species    10/286  62/8087 5.510596e-05 0.007074392
hsa04360 hsa04360                                        Axon guidance    18/286 182/8087 7.318336e-05 0.007074392
hsa04933 hsa04933 AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications    12/286 100/8087 1.975759e-04 0.011981969
hsa04068 hsa04068                               FoxO signaling pathway    14/286 131/8087 2.065857e-04 0.011981969

For external databases such as DisGeNET or MSigDB collections, databases must be imported into R. This is how DisGeNET is imported into R

gda <- read.delim("data/curated_gene_disease_associations.tsv.gz")
disease2gene <- gda[, c("diseaseId", "geneId")]
disease2name <- gda[, c("diseaseId", "diseaseName")]

Then, the enrichment is perform using enricher function:

ans.dis <- enricher(deGenes, TERM2GENE=disease2gene,
tab.dis <- as.data.frame(ans.dis)
tab.dis<- subset(tab.dis, Count>5)
               ID         Description GeneRatio  BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust
C0014175 C0014175       Endometriosis    25/334 156/8948 5.455196e-10 8.319175e-07
C0151744 C0151744 Myocardial Ischemia    21/334 171/8948 1.415760e-06 1.079517e-03

This is the R code for transcription factors which is one of the sub-collection of C3 available at MSigDb for additional gene set collections.

c3.tf <- read.gmt("c:/Juan/CREAL/HELIX/pathways/GSEA/c3.tft.v6.2.entrez.gmt")

ans.tf <- enricher(deGenes, TERM2GENE=c3.tf)
tab.tf <- as.data.frame(ans.tf)
tab.tf<- subset(tab.tf, Count>5)
               ID Description GeneRatio   BgRatio       pvalue
HNF3_Q6   HNF3_Q6     HNF3_Q6    20/459 189/12774 1.520418e-05
SRF_Q6     SRF_Q6      SRF_Q6    23/459 241/12774 1.947737e-05
CEBPB_02 CEBPB_02    CEBPB_02    24/459 258/12774 1.972855e-05
CEBP_Q2   CEBP_Q2     CEBP_Q2    22/459 234/12774 3.707975e-05
OCT1_05   OCT1_05     OCT1_05    23/459 254/12774 4.481583e-05

7.2.4 Visualization

All analyses performed with clusterProfiler can be visualize by different plots:

p1 <- barplot(ans.dis, showCategory=10)

p2 <- dotplot(ans.kegg, showCategory=20) + ggtitle("KEGG")
p3 <- dotplot(ans.dis, showCategory=20) + ggtitle("Disease")
plot_grid(p2, p3, nrow=2)

p4 <- upsetplot(ans.dis)

p5 <- emapplot(ans.kegg)

cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p3, p5, ncol=2, labels=LETTERS[1:3])

7.3 Genomic region enrichment analysis

Microarrays and next-generation sequencing are also widely applied for large-scale detection of variable and regulatory genomic regions, e.g. single nucleotide polymorphisms, copy number variations, and transcription factor binding sites. Such experimentally-derived genomic region sets are raising similar questions regarding functional enrichment as in gene expression data analysis. Of particular interest is thereby whether experimentally-derived regions overlap more (enrichment) or less (depletion) than expected by chance with regions representing known functional features such as genes or promoters.

The regioneR package implements a general framework for testing overlaps of genomic regions based on permutation sampling. This allows to repeatedly sample random regions from the genome, matching size and chromosomal distribution of the region set under study. By recomputing the overlap with the functional features in each permutation, statistical significance of the observed overlap can be assessed. To demonstrate the basic functionality of the package, we consider the analysis of copy number variants (CNV).

Let us assume, we want to assess the overlap between the significant CNV regions obtained after comparing normal vs tumor samples from TCGA and protein-coding regions. We now recall the results we obtained in the association analysis

GRanges object with 7362 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
         seqnames              ranges strand |   counts      pvalue          BH
            <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> | <matrix>   <numeric>   <numeric>
     [1]     chr1 149898951-150333087      * |     1:30 9.17197e-07 6.85697e-06
     [2]     chr1 150335347-151170789      * |     0:30 4.02901e-08 3.69843e-07
     [3]     chr1 154984468-155005476      * |     0:21 6.60494e-06 4.05859e-05
     [4]     chr1 155006954-155050185      * |     0:22 3.64040e-06 2.34224e-05
     [5]    chr11   60943071-61361689      * |     0:16 1.38665e-04 6.54493e-04
     ...      ...                 ...    ... .      ...         ...         ...
  [7358]    chr11   69559601-69650887      * |     0:66 2.94814e-17 9.70149e-16
  [7359]    chr11   70695866-71002410      * |     1:53 1.24305e-12 2.43117e-11
  [7360]    chr11   73552530-73878688      * |     0:22 3.64040e-06 2.34224e-05
  [7361]    chr11   74853813-74901601      * |     0:21 6.60494e-06 4.05859e-05
  [7362]    chr16      653459-2025678      * |     1:16 1.01825e-03 3.99168e-03
  seqinfo: 23 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

To obtain the location of protein-coding genes, we query available Human annotation from Ensembl

ah <- AnnotationHub()
ahDb <- query(ah, pattern = c("Homo sapiens", "EnsDb"))

and retrieve gene coordinates in the UMD3.1 assembly (Ensembl 92).

ahEdb <- ahDb[["AH60977"]]
hg.genes <- genes(ahEdb)

We then need to verify that the seqlevels annotation of both GenomicRanges are the same:

factor-Rle of length 65256 with 423 runs
  Lengths:                          5349                          2236 ...                           518
  Values :                          chr1                         chr10 ...                          chrY
Levels(423): chr1 chr10 chr11 chr12 chr13 chr14 chr15 ... chrLRG_721 chrLRG_741 chrLRG_763 chrLRG_93 chrMT chrX chrY
factor-Rle of length 7362 with 1548 runs
  Lengths:     4     9     3    11     1    45     1     1    16 ...     1     1     9    21     1     2     8     1
  Values :  chr1 chr11 chr12 chr20 chr11 chr17 chr20  chr5  chr8 ...  chr8 chr16  chr8 chr11 chr17 chr10 chr11 chr16
Levels(23): chr1 chr2 chr3 chr10 chr14 chr4 chr11 chr12 chr20 ... chr15 chr17 chrX chr8 chr16 chr19 chr13 chr22 chr18

otherwise we need to re-assign the seqlevels

seqlevels(hg.genes) <- paste0("chr", seqlevels(hg.genes))

Let us run the enrichment in chromosome 1:

sel.protein <- hg.genes[seqnames(hg.genes)%in%c("chr1")]
sel.protein <- sel.protein[sel.protein$gene_biotype ==
sel.cnvs <- brca.gr.sig[seqnames(brca.gr.sig)%in%c("chr1")]
[1] 234

We then apply an overlap permutation test with 100 permutations (ntimes=100), while maintaining chromosomal distribution of the CNV region set (per.chromosome=TRUE). Setting the option count.once=TRUE counts an overlapping CNV region only once. To randomly sample regions from the entire genome no masking is required (mask=NA) and to draw robust conclusions a minimum of 1000 permutations should be performed

res.prot <- overlapPermTest(A=sel.cnvs, B=sel.protein, 
                            mask=NA, genome="hg19",
P-value: 0.0099009900990099
Z-score: 8.1252
Number of iterations: 100
Alternative: greater
Evaluation of the original region set: 220
Evaluation function: numOverlaps
Randomization function: randomizeRegions

[1] "permTestResultsList"

The permutation \(P\)-value indicates a statistically significant overlaps of CNVs with protein coding regions. From 234 CNVs, 220 overlap with at least one protein coding gene. We can also repeat the analysis for promoters from UCSC defined as -2000 to +200 base pairs to the TSS according to the genome assembly hg19. Analyzing chromosome 1

file.prom <- "http://gattaca.imppc.org/regioner/data/UCSC.promoters.hg19.bed" 
promoters <- toGRanges(file.prom)
sel.prom <- promoters[seqnames(promoters) %in% c("chr1")]

we obtain

res.prom <- overlapPermTest(sel.cnvs, sel.prom, 
                            ntimes=100, genome="hg19", 
P-value: 0.0099009900990099
Z-score: 43.6248
Number of iterations: 100
Alternative: greater
Evaluation of the original region set: 184
Evaluation function: numOverlaps
Randomization function: randomizeRegions

[1] "permTestResultsList"

We also observe significant overlap of CNVs in regions with promoters. Notice that the function permTest allows user-defined functions for randomizing control and for evaluating additional genomic measures.

Note #1: The function regioneR::permTest allows to incorporate user-defined functions for randomizing regions and evaluating additional measures of overlap such as total genomic size in bp.

Note #2: The LOLA package implements a genomic region ORA, which assesses genomic region overlap based on the hypergeometric distribution using a library of pre-defined functional region sets.