This book is the result of the joint effort with other colleagues whom we have collaborated throughout the years. We would like to explicitly acknowledge and thank Carles Hernández-Ferrer, Marcos López and Carlos Ruiz who have contributed with their ideas, work and coding hours to the packages that we have developed at the BRGE and that are discussed within the book. We are thankful to them for starting their research careers with us and for the valuable input that they have given us through their PhD projects. Roger Pique-Regi is also acknowledged for his fruitful collaboration with the R-GADA package. We would also like to thank our colleagues and collaborators from whom we continuously learn, get encouragement and intellectual stimulation. We particularly would like to mention Luis Pérez-Jurado, Mariona Bustamante, Xavier Basagaña, Manolis Kogevinas, Jordi Sunyer and Martine Vrijheid, and all our colleagues from ISGlobal. We also would like to thank Tonu Esko from the Estonia Biobank for providing access to large amounts of data to test our methods, when data sharing was not a standard procedure. Finally, we would like to acknowledge support from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo (grant number MTM2015-68140-R), Ministerio de Ciencia e innovacion (grant numbers MTM2011-26515 and MTM2010-09526-E) and Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (grant number MTM2008-02457/MTM).