EWAS report


## $sig.threshold
## [1] 0.000386
## $max.plots
## [1] 1
## $model
## [1] "sva"
## $qq.inflation.method
## [1] "median"
## $practical.threshold
##   cg21566642 
## 8.297569e-26 
## $winsorize.pct
## [1] 0.05
## $outlier.iqr.factor
## [1] NA
## $rlm
## [1] TRUE
## $most.variable
## [1] 50000
## $random.seed
## [1] 20161123
## $sample.size
## [1] 188

Sample characteristics

For continuous or ordinal variables, the “mean” column provides the mean and the “var” column the standard deviation of the variable. For categorical variables, the “mean” column provides the number of samples with the given “value” and the “var” column the percentage of samples with the given “value”.

variable value mean var
variable of interest never 99 52.7
variable of interest current 89 47.3
Age 52.73936 11.63027
Sex F 144 76.6
Sex M 44 23.4
Bcell 0.06601765 0.02948774
CD4T 0.188321 0.06010949
CD8T 0.1090449 0.04596973
Mono 0.09398571 0.02091805
Neu 0.5042772 0.0978032
NK 0.08488758 0.03298624

Covariate associations

Covariate Age


var1 var2 F p-value R p-value
variable Age 0.0001012 0.9919836 -0.0271044 0.7119591


variable mean var n t.stat p.value
never 52.74747 156.7621 99 0.0101488 0.9919135
current 52.73034 112.8583 89 -0.0101488 0.9919135

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21

Covariate Sex


var1 var2 R p-value
variable Sex 0.054606 0.4567064


never 78 21
current 66 23

enrichment p-values

never 0.2820187 0.8215467
current 0.8215467 0.2820187

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-24

Covariate Bcell


var1 var2 F p-value R p-value
variable Bcell 0.2366181 0.6272321 -0.1165057 0.1113357


variable mean var n t.stat p.value
never 0.0670116 0.0004847 99 0.4746479 0.6357655
current 0.0649121 0.0013056 89 -0.4746479 0.6357655

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-27

Covariate CD4T


var1 var2 F p-value R p-value
variable CD4T 1.708011 0.1928572 0.0797971 0.2763471


variable mean var n t.stat p.value
never 0.1828989 0.0033585 99 -1.301991 0.1945799
current 0.1943523 0.0038679 89 1.301991 0.1945799

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-30

Covariate CD8T


var1 var2 F p-value R p-value
variable CD8T 3.076023 0.0811016 -0.1161131 0.1125543


variable mean var n t.stat p.value
never 0.1145895 0.0023595 99 1.766782 0.0789065
current 0.1028774 0.0017899 89 -1.766782 0.0789065

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-33

Covariate Mono


var1 var2 F p-value R p-value
variable Mono 6.977278 0.0089576 -0.1655813 0.0231534


variable mean var n t.stat p.value
never 0.0977469 0.0004783 99 2.660786 0.0084779
current 0.0898019 0.0003635 89 -2.660786 0.0084779

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-36

Covariate Neu


var1 var2 F p-value R p-value
variable Neu 1.790709 0.1824734 0.1221984 0.0948021


variable mean var n t.stat p.value
never 0.4952459 0.0088404 99 -1.332769 0.184292
current 0.5143232 0.0102878 89 1.332769 0.184292

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-39

Covariate NK


var1 var2 F p-value R p-value
variable NK 7.140693 0.0082045 -0.1695074 0.0200441


variable mean var n t.stat p.value
never 0.0908853 0.0013115 99 2.709977 0.0073742
current 0.0782160 0.0007662 89 -2.709977 0.0073742

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-42

QQ plots

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-46

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-48

Manhattan plots

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-50

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-52

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-54

Significant CpG sites

There were 1365 CpG sites with association p-values < 3.86 × 10-4. These are listed in the file associations.csv.

The following table shows overlaps between associations under different sets of covariates:

p.value.none p.value.all p.value.sva
p.value.none 661 367 114
p.value.all 367 931 135
p.value.sva 114 135 289

Below are the 1 CpG sites with association p-values < 8.2975685 × 10-26 in the sva regression model.

chromosome position p.value.none p.value.all p.value.sva coefficient.none coefficient.all coefficient.sva
cg05575921 chr5 373378 0 0 0 -0.2458808 -0.2451238 -0.1572324

Plots of these sites follow, one for each covariate set. “p[lm]” denotes the p-value obtained using a linear model and “p[beta]” the p-value obtained using beta regression.

CpG site cg05575921

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-55

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-55

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-56

Selected CpG sites

Number of CpG sites selected: 1.

chromosome position p.value.none p.value.all p.value.sva coefficient.none coefficient.all coefficient.sva
cg05575921 chr5 373378 0 0 0 -0.2458808 -0.2451238 -0.1572324

CpG site cg05575921

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-58

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-58

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-59

R session information

## R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)
## Matrix products: default
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