Normalization performance report

Normalization performance report

Parameters used to test normalization

## $variables
## [1] "Slide"   "Sex"     "Age"     "Smoking"
## $control.pcs
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
## $batch.pcs
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
## $batch.threshold
## [1] 0.01
## $colours

Control probe scree plots

The variance captured by each principal component.

Principal components of the control probes

The following plots show the first 3 principal components of the control matrix colored by batch variables. Batch variables with more than 10 levels are omitted.

Control probe associations with measured batch variables

Principal components of the control probes were regressed against batch variables. Shown are the \(-log_{10}\) p-values for these regressions. The horizontal dotted line denotes \(p = 0.05\) in log-scale.

The following plots show regression coefficients when each principal component is regressed against each batch variable level along with 95% confidence intervals. Cases significantly different from zero are coloured red (p < 0.01, t-test).

batch.variable batch.value principal.component test p.value estimate lower upper r2
Slide PC1 F-test 3.02e-13 4.137 0.4288
Slide 7800246140 PC1 t-test 1.09e-03 -5.375 -9.033 -1.717 0.0359
Slide 7796814016 PC1 t-test 9.08e-05 6.098 2.650 9.546 0.0512
Slide 5765205058 PC1 t-test 7.62e-03 4.978 0.818 9.137 0.0241
Slide 5765205059 PC1 t-test 9.73e-06 8.164 4.092 12.236 0.0649
Slide 5730192048 PC1 t-test 6.36e-05 5.948 2.658 9.237 0.0534
Slide 5730053041 PC1 t-test 9.29e-04 6.157 2.024 10.289 0.0369
Age 57 PC1 t-test 3.35e-03 5.465 1.315 9.614 0.0291
Slide PC2 F-test 6.52e-72 26.578 0.8283
Slide 7800246087 PC2 t-test 6.01e-04 -2.069 -3.407 -0.731 0.0427
Slide 7800246140 PC2 t-test 5.42e-05 -2.537 -3.926 -1.148 0.0583
Slide 7800246046 PC2 t-test 1.75e-03 1.797 0.520 3.073 0.0357
Slide 7512560115 PC2 t-test 8.36e-03 1.518 0.235 2.802 0.0255
Slide 5730192053 PC2 t-test 3.73e-03 2.137 0.496 3.777 0.0307
Slide 5765205058 PC2 t-test 1.49e-03 -2.168 -3.685 -0.651 0.0368
Slide 5730053006 PC2 t-test 2.85e-14 -7.313 -9.358 -5.267 0.1912
Slide 5730053010 PC2 t-test 3.12e-19 -8.698 -10.719 -6.678 0.2546
Slide 5730053011 PC2 t-test 2.02e-08 -7.348 -10.205 -4.491 0.1094
Slide 5730053027 PC2 t-test 9.87e-20 -8.839 -10.860 -6.819 0.2608
Slide 5730053037 PC2 t-test 1.11e-12 -6.721 -8.744 -4.698 0.1690
Slide 5730192036 PC2 t-test 3.39e-03 -2.360 -4.153 -0.566 0.0314
Slide 5730192048 PC2 t-test 1.44e-16 -4.511 -5.660 -3.362 0.2215
Slide 5730192057 PC2 t-test 7.68e-05 -3.531 -5.506 -1.555 0.0564
Slide 5730053048 PC2 t-test 1.18e-04 -2.615 -4.119 -1.112 0.0535
Sex M PC2 t-test 9.09e-04 -1.074 -1.785 -0.364 0.0382
Age 55 PC2 t-test 1.48e-03 -1.755 -2.982 -0.529 0.0364
Age 69 PC2 t-test 7.19e-04 -1.902 -3.150 -0.654 0.0411
Age 62 PC2 t-test 5.05e-03 -1.473 -2.642 -0.304 0.0286
Age 48 PC2 t-test 8.38e-04 -2.578 -4.292 -0.863 0.0403
Age 24 PC2 t-test 6.53e-04 -6.196 -10.236 -2.157 0.0420
Smoking never PC2 t-test 7.38e-04 -0.947 -1.560 -0.333 0.0398
Slide PC3 F-test 1.19e-24 6.959 0.5581
Slide 5730192053 PC3 t-test 6.01e-04 -2.381 -3.923 -0.840 0.0401
Slide 5765205058 PC3 t-test 2.96e-10 -4.166 -5.599 -2.733 0.1277
Slide 5765205059 PC3 t-test 4.30e-11 -4.182 -5.552 -2.812 0.1399
Slide 5730053006 PC3 t-test 2.94e-03 2.526 0.634 4.417 0.0303
Slide 5730192048 PC3 t-test 3.12e-07 -2.613 -3.733 -1.494 0.0870
Slide 5730053048 PC3 t-test 1.78e-03 -2.014 -3.449 -0.580 0.0334
Age 65 PC3 t-test 7.50e-03 -2.037 -3.737 -0.338 0.0246
Slide PC4 F-test 1.90e-65 22.811 0.8054
Slide 7800246087 PC4 t-test 2.77e-03 -1.628 -2.840 -0.417 0.0303
Slide 7800246140 PC4 t-test 2.38e-05 -2.282 -3.475 -1.089 0.0596
Slide 7800246006 PC4 t-test 5.98e-03 1.692 0.320 3.065 0.0257
Slide 7800246054 PC4 t-test 6.68e-03 1.478 0.264 2.693 0.0250
Slide 7800246034 PC4 t-test 4.43e-03 1.888 0.410 3.367 0.0275
Slide 7800246046 PC4 t-test 2.73e-04 1.875 0.733 3.018 0.0446
Slide 7800246057 PC4 t-test 2.57e-03 1.853 0.485 3.222 0.0308
Slide 7512560103 PC4 t-test 1.92e-03 -1.604 -2.753 -0.454 0.0326
Slide 7512560104 PC4 t-test 7.67e-03 -1.539 -2.825 -0.252 0.0242
Slide 7512560115 PC4 t-test 9.09e-03 -1.352 -2.507 -0.196 0.0232
Slide 7766130166 PC4 t-test 1.07e-03 -2.683 -4.507 -0.860 0.0361
Slide 5730053006 PC4 t-test 3.46e-03 2.367 0.563 4.170 0.0290
Slide 5730053010 PC4 t-test 3.90e-04 2.861 1.070 4.652 0.0424
Slide 5730053027 PC4 t-test 5.08e-03 2.270 0.464 4.075 0.0267
Slide 5730053037 PC4 t-test 8.70e-06 3.566 1.797 5.335 0.0658
Slide 5730192057 PC4 t-test 6.26e-04 -2.761 -4.555 -0.967 0.0395
Slide 5730053048 PC4 t-test 3.19e-05 -2.540 -3.889 -1.190 0.0578
Slide PC5 F-test 3.17e-57 18.624 0.7717
Slide 7800246085 PC5 t-test 4.02e-03 -1.103 -1.958 -0.249 0.0281
Slide 7800246087 PC5 t-test 1.62e-04 -1.359 -2.158 -0.561 0.0478
Slide 7800246123 PC5 t-test 1.08e-06 -1.657 -2.403 -0.910 0.0786
Slide 7800246018 PC5 t-test 5.00e-03 -0.923 -1.656 -0.191 0.0268
Slide 7800246054 PC5 t-test 9.30e-04 -1.196 -1.999 -0.394 0.0370
Slide 7512560104 PC5 t-test 2.49e-04 1.399 0.552 2.245 0.0451
Slide 7512560115 PC5 t-test 5.48e-05 1.379 0.623 2.135 0.0545
Slide 7512560124 PC5 t-test 2.15e-03 1.055 0.290 1.820 0.0319
Slide 5765205058 PC5 t-test 2.81e-09 2.414 1.530 3.299 0.1141
Slide 5765205059 PC5 t-test 9.81e-05 1.585 0.684 2.486 0.0509
Slide 5730192036 PC5 t-test 1.82e-05 2.051 0.994 3.107 0.0613
Slide 5730192048 PC5 t-test 1.28e-04 -1.252 -1.976 -0.528 0.0492
Sex PC5 F-test 6.68e-04 11.829 0.0389
Sex M PC5 t-test 3.41e-04 0.493 0.191 0.795 0.0432
Sex F PC5 t-test 6.68e-04 -0.476 -0.773 -0.179 0.0389

Principal components of the normalized betas

The following plots show the first 3 principal components of the most variable probes colored by batch variables. Batch variables with more than 10 levels are omitted.

Normalized probe associations with measured batch variables

The most variable normalized probes were extracted, decomposed into principal components and each component regressed against each batch variable. If the normalization has performed well then there will be no associations between normalized probe PCs and batch variables. Horizontal dotted line denotes \(p = 0.05\) in log-scale.

The following plots show regression coefficients when each principal component is regressed against each batch variable level along with 95% confidence intervals. Cases significantly different from zero are coloured red (p < 0.01, t-test).

batch.variable batch.value principal.component test p.value estimate lower upper r2
Slide PC2 F-test 2.90e-36 10.38 0.6532
Slide 7512560104 PC2 t-test 2.42e-03 -3.28 -5.687 -0.875 0.0331
Slide 5765205058 PC2 t-test 2.80e-04 4.18 1.628 6.727 0.0471
Slide 5730053006 PC2 t-test 2.78e-11 10.55 7.133 13.964 0.1476
Slide 5730053010 PC2 t-test 2.35e-12 11.03 7.654 14.406 0.1629
Slide 5730053011 PC2 t-test 4.90e-06 9.92 5.134 14.696 0.0732
Slide 5730053027 PC2 t-test 3.29e-11 10.37 6.999 13.742 0.1471
Slide 5730053037 PC2 t-test 5.31e-11 10.38 6.963 13.790 0.1437
Slide 5730192048 PC2 t-test 1.18e-10 5.91 3.929 7.889 0.1403
Sex F PC2 t-test 2.48e-03 1.37 0.412 2.333 0.0322
Age 48 PC2 t-test 2.09e-03 4.00 1.108 6.896 0.0338
Age 28 PC2 t-test 7.95e-03 5.69 0.907 10.471 0.0254
Smoking PC2 F-test 2.87e-03 5.97 0.0394
Smoking never PC2 t-test 8.43e-03 1.17 0.194 2.137 0.0243
Smoking former PC2 t-test 2.83e-03 1.26 0.336 2.180 0.0312
Slide PC3 F-test 6.47e-04 1.96 0.2626
Slide 7512560115 PC3 t-test 2.05e-04 3.48 1.401 5.551 0.0465
Slide 7512560124 PC3 t-test 2.04e-04 3.52 1.420 5.622 0.0464
Slide 7512560128 PC3 t-test 1.34e-03 3.36 1.030 5.683 0.0349
Slide 5730053010 PC3 t-test 1.30e-03 -4.73 -7.994 -1.457 0.0351
Slide 5730192048 PC3 t-test 3.52e-03 -2.62 -4.621 -0.622 0.0290
Age PC3 F-test 3.01e-05 2.28 0.2981
Age 69 PC3 t-test 5.40e-04 -2.97 -4.879 -1.066 0.0405
Age 36 PC3 t-test 1.37e-03 4.22 1.287 7.144 0.0348
Age 70 PC3 t-test 6.41e-03 -4.01 -7.300 -0.730 0.0253
Age 46 PC3 t-test 3.69e-03 4.93 1.145 8.707 0.0287
Age 64 PC3 t-test 7.86e-03 -3.05 -5.604 -0.491 0.0240
Age 29 PC3 t-test 4.23e-03 8.48 1.870 15.093 0.0278
Slide PC4 F-test 2.31e-03 1.82 0.2479
Slide 7512560103 PC4 t-test 4.50e-03 -2.25 -4.019 -0.487 0.0275
Slide 5730053041 PC4 t-test 7.74e-05 -3.70 -5.767 -1.626 0.0525
Slide PC5 F-test 5.75e-68 24.23 0.8147
Slide 7800246087 PC5 t-test 2.94e-06 3.58 1.896 5.270 0.0727
Slide 7800246123 PC5 t-test 1.87e-07 3.78 2.191 5.367 0.0896
Slide 7800246137 PC5 t-test 2.47e-03 2.13 0.564 3.694 0.0311
Slide 7800246140 PC5 t-test 1.74e-03 2.42 0.703 4.147 0.0333
Slide 7512560104 PC5 t-test 1.67e-03 -2.58 -4.401 -0.753 0.0335
Slide 7512560124 PC5 t-test 5.23e-04 2.55 0.918 4.178 0.0407
Slide 5730192053 PC5 t-test 3.29e-07 -4.75 -6.792 -2.709 0.0861
Slide 5730504015 PC5 t-test 8.89e-03 -3.48 -6.451 -0.512 0.0234
Slide 5765205058 PC5 t-test 5.99e-06 -3.97 -5.910 -2.039 0.0681
Slide 5765205059 PC5 t-test 3.52e-09 -5.13 -7.019 -3.238 0.1131
Slide 5730192036 PC5 t-test 6.25e-05 -4.11 -6.380 -1.837 0.0539
Slide 5730053041 PC5 t-test 1.74e-03 -2.74 -4.687 -0.793 0.0333
Slide 5730053048 PC5 t-test 3.95e-04 -3.09 -5.031 -1.156 0.0424
Sex PC5 F-test 4.66e-14 62.90 0.1772
Sex M PC5 t-test 7.71e-15 -2.23 -2.835 -1.628 0.1877
Sex F PC5 t-test 1.70e-13 2.13 1.541 2.723 0.1706
Age 33 PC5 t-test 1.82e-03 2.94 0.842 5.041 0.0330
Age 65 PC5 t-test 7.56e-03 -2.76 -5.069 -0.456 0.0243
Age 68 PC5 t-test 3.86e-04 -2.81 -4.573 -1.055 0.0423

R session information

## R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23 ucrt)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 22621)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Spain.utf8  LC_CTYPE=Spanish_Spain.utf8    LC_MONETARY=Spanish_Spain.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C                  
## [5] LC_TIME=Spanish_Spain.utf8    
## attached base packages:
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## other attached packages:
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## [13] lme4_1.1-30           Matrix_1.5-1          multcomp_1.4-20       TH.data_1.1-1         survival_3.3-1        mvtnorm_1.1-3        
## [19] matrixStats_0.62.0    markdown_1.7          gridExtra_2.3         Cairo_1.6-0           knitr_1.43            reshape2_1.4.4       
## [25] plyr_1.8.7            ggplot2_3.4.2         sva_3.44.0            BiocParallel_1.30.3   genefilter_1.78.0     mgcv_1.8-40          
## [31] nlme_3.1-157          limma_3.52.4          sandwich_3.0-2        lmtest_0.9-40         zoo_1.8-11            MASS_7.3-57          
## [37] illuminaio_0.38.0     bookdown_0.34        
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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##  [6] clue_0.3-64            rstudioapi_0.14        farver_2.1.1           bit64_4.0.5            AnnotationDbi_1.58.0  
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## [31] dplyr_1.1.2            Rcpp_1.0.9             Biobase_2.56.0         jquerylib_0.1.4        vctrs_0.6.3           
## [36] Biostrings_2.64.1      xfun_0.39              stringr_1.5.0          mime_0.12              lifecycle_1.0.3       
## [41] XML_3.99-0.10          edgeR_3.38.4           zlibbioc_1.42.0        scales_1.2.1           yaml_2.3.5            
## [46] memoise_2.0.1          sass_0.4.6             stringi_1.7.6          RSQLite_2.2.17         highr_0.10            
## [51] S4Vectors_0.34.0       BiocGenerics_0.42.0    boot_1.3-28.1          GenomeInfoDb_1.32.4    commonmark_1.9.0      
## [56] rlang_1.1.1            pkgconfig_2.0.3        bitops_1.0-7           evaluate_0.21          lattice_0.20-45       
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## [66] IRanges_2.30.1         generics_0.1.3         DBI_1.1.3              pillar_1.9.0           withr_2.5.0           
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